Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Survey Monkeys - can you help?

A great friend and fellow teacher whom I admire immensely (in fact she was my Tutor Teacher when I began teaching) has a couple of students inquiring about safety glasses and they have made a couple of surveys.

These students are Year5/6 and are in New Plymouth.

If you had a couple of mins to spare could you fill in the survey. It would mean so much to the students to have lots of replies and data to work with.

Monkey Survey is a great online tool for generating surveys. I am thrilled to see it being used by students - I want to do something like this with Ruma Ruru.

Thank you so much. Making connections with other learners is one reason why we blog.


Let the Fun in the Sun begin

These warmer days bring so may more smiles to our class filled with happy learners.

At reading time now we can paint and write outside and enjoy the bikes...

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Tyler's Lion Hide-Away

Recently, Tyler's reading group read a book about creating a Lion's Hide-Away.

Tyler and her Dad loved the book and set about following the instructions and this is what they created!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

A Message from Annelise

Hi Ms Copping and Ruma Ruru,

It's Annelise here!  I am at home looking after my sore arm.  I had to stay in hospital and have surgery on my arm because I broke it really badly.  I want to say thank you to all of you for your get well cards you made for me.  They were so nice, and made me feel happy.  I miss you all and can't wait to get back to school.  Mum says I have to get my arm a little bit better first before I can come back to school.  Have fun - see you soon. 
Love from Annelise

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Water Cycle Song

Here is a song to help our learning about the water cycle...

(to the tune of 'she'll be coming round the mountain')

Water travels in a cycle, yes it does (x2)
It goes up as evaporation
The clouds makes condensation
It rains down precipitation - yes it does!

Please ask us about the water cycle experiment we did in class today. We made some predictions in what would happen!

Max said it was so interesting and he could feel his brain growing!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Left of Right?

Here are some games/activities you can enjoy to learn more about left and right, 1/4 and 1/2 turns.

And then some other games/activites to help with our basic facts:

See you soon... from Mr Dog

Hello Ruma Ruru

I am having a wonderful time on holiday with Jonte. We went to the beach and I saw Jonte looking really handsome for a wedding!

We then came back to Cambridge for a bit and then we went to another beach! I can't wait to tell you all about Waiheke and Whitianga.

What have you been doing?

Love from Mr Dog.

On the deck at Waiheke

Having a snuggle with Jonte's sister!