This is the page we will share some of that. Here is a story Annelise brought in to show us about the super moon.
Thanks Annelise!
Ben also showed us some interesting stuff from his Easter weekend in Matapaua Bay - it was rubbish! This rubbish was from the Rena and was being washed ashore. Ben and his whanau collected the rubbish into a big pile for collection. Ben showed a real sense of connectedness to the environment and shared his ideas about this during our chat about "Reaching Out". We will share more about out "Reaching Out" inquiry soon.
We love being in Ruru - we spot the Ruru everywhere... Summer and Hannah have tops with a Ruru on them. During the holidays Annelise went to Rainbow Springs in Rotorua and you guessed it - she found a Ruru!
Ben also showed us some interesting stuff from his Easter weekend in Matapaua Bay - it was rubbish! This rubbish was from the Rena and was being washed ashore. Ben and his whanau collected the rubbish into a big pile for collection. Ben showed a real sense of connectedness to the environment and shared his ideas about this during our chat about "Reaching Out". We will share more about out "Reaching Out" inquiry soon.
We love being in Ruru - we spot the Ruru everywhere... Summer and Hannah have tops with a Ruru on them. During the holidays Annelise went to Rainbow Springs in Rotorua and you guessed it - she found a Ruru!