Monday, 3 September 2012

Investigating Guide Dogs...

After morning tea a lady brought in a guide dog that she is training. She came to visit some senior students who are inquiring about guide dogs.


as two reading groups had recently read a non-fiction book about Guide Dogs they went along to meet her and Wad (the dog). They read the book to our visitors and she took it away to show other people.

Lily, Melissa, Hannah and Max came back to Ruru and told us all about the visit.

Lily spoke first and told us about the dog and what he did (he helps people who are blind get around safely) and his name. She said he was very well behaved and is learning to be a guide dog and he sat when he was asked to. Lily also told us that they read the book and the lady liked it.

Hannah told us he was a black lab.

Melissa told us that when Wade went into Mr Wallace's class he barked loudly.

Max spoke last and he said the girls had told us all about it, except that it was cool fun and that Wade was wearing a harness.


  1. I like seeing that guide dog. I love dogs. from ashleigh

  2. I really loved that time when we went to see the beautiful boy guide dog.
    His trainer really liked us.
    I would like to keep my Chihuahua's and Wade (the guide dog).
    It's a really good idea to help blind people, that makes them very happy!
    Love from Hannah

  3. It's a really good idea to help blind people . Because if the blind people don't have anyone to help they will just smash into signs.
    love Melissa xxx

  4. What a cute guide dog it is the cutest guide dog I have seen.
