Thursday, 22 November 2012

Let the good times roll...

On Thursday Hannah's Dad took a photo of Hannah and Ms Copping together.

Here are the two photos he sent through... the first one...

And then he sent this one through ... this will be an app that Ms Copping will waste many hours on and can't wait to get snapping and juggling! Thank you Hannah's Dad! We love learning about funky apps.

Face Juggler!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Sharing our learning about the World

For news over the next two weeks we are sharing what we know about another country with each other...

This has been so exciting. We are learning about what other countries there are... where they are... what countries are next to them... and something that makes them special or unique.

Lachlan has told us about France and a very important cycle race they have there.

Melissa told us her Nana went to Switzerland and gave her a bell like the ones cows wear. She told us why the cattle wore bells in the mountains.

Ashlleigh told us about Austria and that she is 1/4 Austrian.

Summer told us about Spain and their colorful fans.

We are collecting all our news on our world map display.

Lachlan and Melissa



We love learning about Earth!
We have been amazed to see that some countries have no water around them!

We have also been amazed that Switzerland, France, Spain and Austria are near big footed ITALY!

Amazing Authors...








This week in writing we have had a few goals we are working towards...

On Monday we wrote about our weekend and thought carefully about using conjunctions to write compound sentences. We know that by writing these types of sentences we add more interest to our stories. We highlighted the conjunctions so when we shared with our writing with our buddy we could talk about our conjunctions.

Then on Tuesday and Wednesday we wrote about a trip into space. We explored the idea of good writing starting from a fact or true idea and then adding our imagination. Joy Cowley does this. Her Greedy Cat books started from the fact she has a fat cat and then she added her imagination to it.

We took some facts about Space and added our imaginations so that when we visited Mars (who has the highest mountains) we slid down them on rubbish bags!

Some of us shared our writing with Mrs Nicholl and Mr Reid!

We simply love writing in Ruma Ruru.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Happy Birthday Annelise

On Monday Annelise turned 6! She had a party on the weekend and here are a couple of pictures of her with her cake - can you guess what kind of cake it was????

Happy Birthday Annelise - from all your friend in Ruma Ruru! Annelise you can be very proud of all your achievements since turning 5 and starting school. Can you name some of the things you have learned to do while you were 5?

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Exploring in our Community

During the year we have looked at Reaching Out to Animal Shelters and we made designed animal carriers to transport rescued animals in.

Well... in the weekend Max and his whanau rescued 11 ducklings and they have been using his animal carrier as a 'safe haven'. Max then added in his hungry chicken he made at school yesterday.

Max, what an explorer you are out in the world - it makes us so proud to see you reaching out to rescue these ducklings. We are sure you are helping Mum!

Hungry Chicken with her ducklings...

Monday, 12 November 2012

Hungry Chickens

In Ruma Ruru we are talking about and investigating what we 'grow' or have in our backyard to provide kai for ourselves and others.

Our shared book this week is looking at honey making.

A reading group is learning about chickens. This group read an article on making a hungry chicken and of course, then they made it!

Junior Journal with article

Annelise cutting out the body of the chicken.

Melissa folding the body in half (1/2).

Max reading the next step...

Max cutting the top of the chicken.

Jess stapling on the beak.

Melissa preparing the finishing touches.

Hungry Chickens!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Congratulations to...

Below are the tamariki who have been awarded certificates at assembly so far this term. These students should be very proud of themselves (as should their 'owners/slaves').

Well done Jess, Saoirse, Annelise and Tyler.

Well done Luke and Lily!

Well done Lachlan!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

A Science Experiment

Max is like lots of us in Ruma Ruru and he likes to read. He visits the library in Cambridge every week and shares with us lots of the interesting information he finds.

He brought in a book with a science experiment and we did it!

Instructions for the experiment...


Max cutting the silverbeet...

Ruma Ruru decided the dye/water moves around the plant like blood moves around our  body through veins...

Fluro Friend Day - Cambridge Life Skills

On Tuesday we held a Fluro Friend Day to raise money for Cambridge Life Skills. This organization helps kids and families in the Cambridge area.

Our school raised over $400 for them!

We dressed in Fluro and brought along 'friends' dressed in Fluro too!

Hannah is our student rep and she chose Lachlan as our most Fluro Friend - Lachlan was dressed in matching fluro outfits as his friend!

Thanks to everyone for their donations.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Growing our own Kai

Well! We arrived at school on Monday with several ideas that we discussed and modified.

Here we are cutting holes and planting our mesclun salad plants. We have also put holes in the bottom of the bag for drainage. We will water them a little bit every day.

Lucy showing us how to gently loosen roots.

Luke making sure the hole is deeper enough.

Lily and Saoirse - teamwork works!

Moving the bag to outside our room.

We also weeded the garden outside Ruma Tieke and planted some sunflower seeds...

Jess and Max preparing the soil for the sunflower seeds.

The seeds - lots of different varieties of sunflowers.

We will water them a little every day.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Lachlan's Backyard!

Lachlan and his Mum sent through this to share...

Interesting topic! We have been doing a lot of gardening lately!  Lachlan loves to help in the garden. He helped plant the veges! and helps with weeding the garden! This is our garden! Potatoes, cauli, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, herbs, courgettes, cucumber and rhubarb. We are enjoying watching it grow and can not wait till we can eat all this yummy food we are growing!  

Friday, 2 November 2012

In Our Backyard - Growing Kai

We are looking at In our Backyard and thinking about the science related to the soil, water, sky, moon, sun and beyond... BUT... what about the food we grow in our backyard?

In the picture below you will see two things I am bringing to school on Monday.

Using just the potting mix bag - can you bring an idea/design of how we could use it to grow the mesclun salad seedlings in it.

What do you grow in your backyard? Do you share the food you grow with others? What do you do with the food you grow in your backyard?

I look forward to reading all your ideas in our comments and I bet the Mums and Dads are looking forward to us posting our design on Monday!