Saturday, 3 November 2012

Lachlan's Backyard!

Lachlan and his Mum sent through this to share...

Interesting topic! We have been doing a lot of gardening lately!  Lachlan loves to help in the garden. He helped plant the veges! and helps with weeding the garden! This is our garden! Potatoes, cauli, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, herbs, courgettes, cucumber and rhubarb. We are enjoying watching it grow and can not wait till we can eat all this yummy food we are growing!  


  1. Nice work Lachy! From Jonte

  2. From Max's whanau
    We think its a great idea - we have a great vege patch happening at the moment and the kids are already enjoying picking strawberries and snow peas out of it - Max enjoys watering the vege patches and we even have a gumboot fence in one of the gardens with the kids old gumboots filled with soil and flowers planted in them.

    Max also has his own fruit trees and we are watching the apples start to form on his dwarf apple and granny smith apple tree - he took great pride in putting the sheep pellets in when we were planting the trees. He also has a Lemonade Lemon tree which is blossoming at the moment.

    Our plan aswell is for Max to sell sweetcorn and any other excess produce at the letterbox when that is ready aswell - he has some growing in his part of vege garden which is outside his bedroom window
