Thursday, 22 November 2012

Let the good times roll...

On Thursday Hannah's Dad took a photo of Hannah and Ms Copping together.

Here are the two photos he sent through... the first one...

And then he sent this one through ... this will be an app that Ms Copping will waste many hours on and can't wait to get snapping and juggling! Thank you Hannah's Dad! We love learning about funky apps.

Face Juggler!
Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. oh this is brillant what a cool app, the kids would have a great time with it, Im thinking Miss Tyler would like Dan Carter, or Richie McCaws face for a day...Hannah i like your new hair style!! Alana :)

  2. Very funny App. We might have to try this one.
    The "real" photo of Ms Copping and Hannah is a lovely photo.
    From Lachlan.
