Saturday, 19 May 2012

Movin' on a Saturday

Here are two more tamariki from Ruru out exploring and moving on a Saturday morning in our community. This time it is at Soccer. What a great morning we all had learning to dribble the ball (not with our mouths type dribbling), to kick and chase and to pass to our team mates. Well done Lachlan - you set up a wonderful goal for your team! Did you hear the adults cheering?


  1. We really liked having Ms Copping and Miss Casey watching us play soccer and cheering our teams on. We love the Oranges at half time. They help keep our energy up.
    I have been playing soccer at home with Freya and Mum and Dad.

  2. Lovely to see kids outside, running around in the sunshine.
    Great work on the goal!!!
    Hannah's Mum, aka Yvette

  3. Tyler was super duper excited to see herself in her soccer gear after a fun game with the team. Thanks for coming and sharing in the soccer fun with us all :)

  4. I thought you were awesome soccer players - I wanted to join in! Have a great season. From Blake (Ms Copping's son).

  5. Good work Lachie, and nice to see you on the sideline cheering for Goodwood Yellow! Looks like Tyler got player of the day - well done.

    I think we are going to have some good weather this week so there will be lots of outside play;. Yay!

    From Jontes Mum Kelly

  6. you must have fun playing soccer lachie great work keep it up great work on the goal love melissa.
